Specialized information systems

We offer development and support of specialized software. System adapted to Your needs, will help you to better understand, control and improve Your organization's processes.

Adaptation to individual client needs

Specialized information systems are designed for organizations whose operational needs exceed the capabilities of standard products existing in the market. The customer's processes are carefully and in detail examined, valuable suggestions for process improvement are provided, and only then is an information system developed that replicates and optimizes daily practices.

Manage important organizational processes
efficiently and easily

Electronically collected and analyzed information on subject area activities can provide your organization with critical insights that will allow you to see the entirety of your organization's activities and understand what necessary changes are currently needed to ensure further stable growth. The analysis will provide you with knowledge that will help you optimize processes, allocate resources more efficiently, raise the quality of products, more easily compete in the market and so on.

Integration with other systems

The integration of the systems operating in the company ensures high-quality and fast data transfer from one system to another. This eliminates redundant human labor, the possibility of errors, inefficient use of resources and guarantees the functional compatibility of process operations between individual systems.

Efficient allocation of organization resources

Inefficient use of the organization resources due to the documentation and storage of data is eliminated. The ability to store electronic documents makes it easier to maintain data confidentiality requirements.

Specialized information systems are designed for organizations, who pay a lot of attention to work quality, stability, client well-being and knows that processes compatibility between different systems ensures road to success.

Our products

033 GMP informacinių technologijų paketas

EMS IT Suite

EMS information system suite is a solution of several coherently integrated systems which ensures the data collection, representation, processing, storing, monitoring and management.

033 GMP informacinių technologijų paketas

EMS IT Mobile Suite

EMS information system suite is a solution of several coherently integrated systems which ensures the data collection and representation in the field.

033 GMP informacinių technologijų mobilus paketas